Duke Energy Announces New VP of Governmental Affairs

Kevin McLaughlin

Incoming VP of Governmental Affairs and External Relations

Duke Energy Announces New VP of Governmental Affairs

North Carolina President of Duke Energy, Stephen De May has announced that Kevin McLaughlin will join Duke Energy as the vice president of governmental affairs and external relations, starting on Jan. 27. He replaces Kathy Hawkins who retired in 2019. Kevin will manage state government strategy and relationships in North Carolina.

A native North Carolinian, Kevin most recently served as the policy director for the U.S. Government and Education practice at SAS Institute, where he worked with bi-partisan leaders across the nation to encourage the adoption of data-driven strategies. Prior to joining SAS, Kevin worked in the public sector as the deputy chief of staff for the governor of North Carolina and the chief operating officer and general counsel for the N.C. Department of Administration. Kevin received a B.A. from the University of North Carolina and a J.D. from Wake Forest University. He is an active member of the Triangle community, serving on various nonprofit boards and committees.