Duke Energy Reveals New Grid Improvement Proposals

Image from Power Technology Research

Duke Energy Reveals New Grid Improvement Proposals

On November 9, 2018 NCMA’s Preston Howard joined representatives from Corning, Evergreen Packaging, and Nutrien, and CIGFUR attorney Warren Hicks in attending a stakeholders meeting hosted by Duke Energy.  The purpose of the stakeholders meeting was to review Duke Energy’s revised grid modernization plan (now renamed grid improvement plan).

In addition to those named above, the following organizations were represented:

Advanced Energy ▪ Brooks Pierce Tech Customers ▪ Carolina Utility Customers Association ▪ Clean Air Carolina ▪ Clean Energy ▪ DOJ –Consumer Protection ▪ Environmental Defense Fund ▪ ElectriCities of North Carolina ▪ Energy NC ▪ Nekins at Law ▪ NC Interfaith Power & Light ▪ NC Justice ▪ NC Sustainable Energy Association ▪ NC WARN ▪ NC State University (School of Public Affairs) ▪ Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions ▪ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ▪ North Carolina League of Conservation Voters ▪ Public Staff - NC Utilities Commission ▪ Sierra Club ▪ Southern Environmental Law Center ▪ US Marine Corp (Government and External Affairs) ▪ US Marine Corp (Regional Energy Programs) ▪ Varentec ▪ Vote Solar.

Duke reviewed a list of “megatrends” that according to the company, warrant recognition and analysis, as well as the implications for Duke customers if the megatrends are not addressed now.

Ultimately, Duke suggested that its of the megatrends has led it to propose a grid improvement plan.  Duke’s “NC GRID IMPROVEMENT PLAN PORTFOLIO SUMMARY”  is now represented as a 3-year plan with a total cost of $1.6 – 2.5 Billion.

Although Duke Energy officials were very open about the individual elements of the plan, there was very little conversation about how the plan would be financed (rider or base rates).  When asked whether or not Duke Energy would pursue legislation during the 2019 legislative session, Duke officials suggested that no decision has been made by the company.

Duke Energy officials stated that they would continue to refine the proposal based on the feedback from the stakeholder meeting and input from other interested parties.  A follow-up stakeholders  meeting was not announced.

A breakdown on the individual elements of the plan is shown below.



NCMA members may view a copy of the entire Duke Energy presentation at the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Preston Howard at NCMA.