18th Annual EEHS School Steering Committee
These are the people who bring the courses from concept to completion. They are experts in their respective fields; engineers, attorneys, geologists, biologists, environmental specialists. They begin planning in February to bring courses that are current and relevant. Sometimes they forecast "the next big thing" and are usually correct.
They spend months selecting the best speakers for the most timely topics, coordinating schedules, looking for ways to make each successive year a better school experience for attendees. By July, they will have fashioned a training curriculum that is second to none. By August, they are making mental notes to avoid volunteering in the next year.
But when the following February comes around and they receive a notice that NCMA is ready to begin planning for the next EEHS School, they will have forgotten the pain and pressure on their schedules. They will only remember the exceptional value they brought to the community of professionals practicing the school's core disciplines in North Carolina and surrounding states.
EEHS School would not happen without these fine people. We appreciate their insights, inspiration, hands-on work, and can-do attitude.
Sharon Drescher • Syngenta • EEHS School Chair
Occupational Safety & Health Deans
Greg Lathan • The EI Group, Inc.
Special Topics Dean
Sarah Slagel-Garrett • OBG
Waste Management Deans
Tim Grant • ATC Associates
Jamie Ragan • NCDEQ
Water Quality Dean
Mike Hall • OBG
Maria Amigó • Wood plc
Beth Barfield • ERM
John Bird • Arauco
Alessandra Braswell •Geosyntec
Craig Caldwell • NCDEQ
Charles Case • McGuire Woods
Kimberly Conley • NC Clean Energy Technology Center
Yvonne Couts • Arauco
Kevin Eldridge • ERM
Betty Gatano • NCDEQ
Randy Green • Novozymes
Mark Hawes • Shurtape
James Joyner • Draper Aden
Jessica King • Williams Mullen
Bonani Langan • Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions
Alan McConnell • Kilpatrick Townsend
Keith McCullock • GEL Engineering
Mark McIntire • Duke Energy
Kaitlyn Rhonehouse • Geosyntec
Andrew Stahl • GEL Engineering
Joe Starr • Terracon
Joe Sullivan • AECOM
Sean Sullivan • Troutman Sanders
Mike Walker • The EI Group
Ethan Ware • Williams Mullen
Lauren Wellborn • Geosyntec
Ed Woloszyn • S&ME