Documents provided by NCDEQ
2021 Hazardous Waste Compliance Workshop Presentation Materials
Updated for Spring Workshops • May, 2021
Workshop Moderator
Dan Girdner, Environmental Specialist II
[cl-popup title="DAN GIRDNER
Environmental Specialist II" show_on="text" btn_label="Dan Girdner's Bio"]
Dan Girdner is an Environmental Specialist II with the Hazardous Waste Section, covering Guilford County. Dan has worked in the environmental industry for almost 20 years as a consultant before joining the Hazardous Waste Section in 2019. He enjoys camping and hiking with his family.
8:00 AM Introduction
Presented by Brent Burch, Compliance Branch head, Hazardous Waste Section, NCDEQ
Brent Burch Presentation Slides
Brent Burch Presentation (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="BRENT BURCH
Compliance Branch head, Hazardous Waste Section, NCDEQ" show_on="text" btn_label="Brent Burch's Bio"]Brent Burch is the Compliance Branch Head with the Hazardous Waste Section. He has been with the Division of Waste Management 28 years; 24 of which have been with the Hazardous Waste Section. Brent received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from NC State University. Brent resides in Andrews where he coaches’ football and basketball, and helps with his church youth program.
8:15 AM New and Proposed Rules
Presented by Jenny Patterson, Environmental Program Consultant
New and Proposed Rules Presentation Slides
New and Proposed Rules (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="JENNY PATTERSON
Environmental Program Consultant Supervisor" show_on="text" btn_label="Jenny Patterson's Bio"]
Jenny Patterson is an Environmental Program Consultant with the Hazardous Waste Section. She has worked with NCDEQ for 24 years with 18 years of those years with the Hazardous Waste Section.
Environmental Program Consultant
9:10 AM Waste identification Part I
Presented by Richard Concepción - Western Environmental Chemist
Waste Identification Part I Presentation Slides
Waste Identification Part I (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="RICHARD CONCEPCIÓN
Western Environmental Chemist" show_on="text" btn_label="Richard Concepción's Bio"]
Richard Concepción is an Environmental Chemist with the Hazardous Waste Section covering 44 counties on the Western side of the State. He has been with the Section for 5 years. He has over 30 years’ experience in the environmental management field, for both private and government entities. He taught as a part-time professor for Mortuary Science for 15 years. Richard has a master’s degree in Environmental Science with a Major in Risk Assessment and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. He is also a Registered Environmental Manager and member of the American Chemical Society. He enjoys music and plays string instruments.
10:15 AM Waste Identification Part II
Presented by Aram Kim - Inspector, Raleigh/Winston-Salem Region
Waste Identification Part II Presentation Slides
Waste Identification Part II (3 slides per page for note-taking)
Waste Identification Part II HANDOUT
[cl-popup title="ARAM KIM
Inspector, Raleigh/Winston-Salem Region" show_on="text" btn_label="Aram Kim's Bio"]
Aram Kim is an inspector with the Hazardous Waste Section, covering 10 counties in the northeastern region of the State. Aram has been with the Hazardous Waste Section since May of 2020 and she spent 6 years inspecting drycleaners across the state of North Carolina prior to joining the Hazardous Waste Section. She enjoys practicing violin and Zumba dance.
11:20 AM Enforcement
Presented by Nick Guglielmi, Inspector Mooresville Region
Enforcement Presentation Slides
Enforcement (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="NICK GUGLIELMI
Inspector, Mooresville Region" show_on="text" btn_label="Nick Guglielmi's Bio"]
Nick Guglielmi is an inspector with the Hazardous Waste Section. He has 8 years of environmental compliance experience and has been with the Section for 4 years. He is located in Asheville and covers 5 counties in the Piedmont and Foothills. Nick has a degree in Environmental Technology from NC State and enjoys mountain biking and backpacking.
12:50 PM Waste Minimization
Presented by Wes Hare
Waste Minimization Presentation Slides
Waste Minimization (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="WES HARE
Inspector, Wilmington Region" show_on="text" btn_label="Wes Hare's Bio"]
Wes Hare is an inspector with the Hazardous Waste Section, covering thirteen counties in the southeastern region. He has been with the Department for twenty-one years, with duties including compliance and enforcement, environmental assessment, and disaster response. Wes has worked for multiple Divisions and Sections within DEQ, including: Marine Fisheries, Water Resources, the Solid Waste Section, and the Hazardous Waste Section.
1:30 PM Universal Waste/Used Oil/E-Waste
Presented by Jeff Menzel - Inspector, Asheville Region
Universal Waste/Used Oil/E-Waste Presentation Slides
Universal Waste/Used Oil/E-Waste (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="JEFF MENZEL
Inspector, Asheville Region" show_on="text" btn_label="Jeff Menzel's Bio"]
Jeff Menzel is an inspector with the Hazardous Waste Section. He has been with NCDEQ for 15 years, 5 of those years have been with the Hazardous Waste Section. He is located in the Asheville area and covers the 17 western most counties in the state. Jeff has a degree in Environmental Science and enjoys mountain biking and fly fishing.
2:10 PM Inspection - Paperwork
Presented by Andrea Stermer - Inspector, Washington Region
Inspection - Paperwork Presentation Slides
Inspection - (3 slides per page for note-taking)
Inspection Paperwork - LQG Checklist
Inspection Paperwork - SQG Checklist
Inspection Paperwork - SQG Renotification FAQ
Inspection Paperwork - Episodic Generation Guidance
Job Title Job Description Supplemental Document
[cl-popup title="ANDREA STERMER
Inspector, Washington Region" show_on="text" btn_label="Andrea Stermer's Bio"]
Andrea Stermer is an inspector with the Hazardous Waste Section, covering 27 counties in the northeastern region of the State. Andrea has been with the Hazardous Waste Section for almost two years and comes the Section with over 15 years of sunny Florida hazardous waste experience in local government. She enjoys paper crafting and running and cycling activities.
3:20 PM Inspection - Walkthrough
Presented by Rose Pruitt - Inspector, Mooresville/Winston-Salem Region
Inspection - Walkthrough Presentation Slides
Inspection - Walkthrough (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="ROSE PRUITT
Inspector, Mooresville/Winston-Salem Region" show_on="text" btn_label="Rose Pruitt's Bio"]
Rose Pruitt is an inspector with the Hazardous Waste Section covering 10 counties in the central piedmont part of NC. She graduated from Wake Forest University and has 18 years of experience as an inspector with the NCDEQ. Previously, Rose was an inspector with the Water Resources and the Underground Storage Tank Program. Rose joined the Hazardous Waste Section in 2017 and covers ten counties in the central Piedmont area.
4:00 PM Intro to Chemist & Sampling Plan Development
Presented by Autumn Romanski - Eastern Environmental Chemist
Sampling Plan Development Presentation Slides
Sampling Plan Development (3 slides per page for note-taking)
[cl-popup title="AUTUMN ROMANSKI
Eastern Environmental Chemist" show_on="text" btn_label="Autumn Romanski's Bio"]
Autumn Romanski is an Environmental Chemist with the Hazardous Waste Section that covers Eastern North Carolina. She is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of North Carolina State University with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. Autumn was first employed as a sales engineer in the chemical industry for 7 years. She has spent the last 15 years at the NC Department of Environmental Quality and joined the Hazardous Waste Section 3 years ago. She enjoys traveling, and all things water!
Presentation Downloads and Recordings
DISCLAIMER: All materials posted on this page are intended for use by those who attend one of the NCMA co-sponsored Online North Carolina Hazardous Waste Compliance Workshops in 2021. Any errors in the information found on this page cannot be used as a defense for noncompliance with hazardous waste management rules. Regulated entities are responsible for compliance regardless the information found on this page or interpretation of the meaning of these materials. All information is subject to change and correction prior or subsequent to user access.
Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) Handouts
Handout 1 - Overview of NC Department of Environmental Assistance and Customer Services
- Technical Assistance - Handouts 2, 4, 5 & 6,
- Recycling and Material Management - Handout 4,
- Resources and Energy Efficiency - Handout 5,
- Recognition Programs: NC Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) - Handout 2
& NC GreenTravel - Handout 3, - Recycling Outreach Programs (Recycle Guys, Recycle Right NC & Recycle More NC), Handout 4 and
- NCDEQ Regional Office presence, Handout 6
Handout 2 - NC Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI)
ESI promotes and encourages superior environmental performance in North Carolina. This voluntary program is available at no cost. ESI seeks to reduce the impact on the environment beyond measures required by any permit or rule, producing a better environment, conserving natural resources and resulting in long-term economic benefits. As part of the ESI program, DEACS staff provide technical assistance and advise on strategies to reduce their water and energy usage. ESI members, including businesses and others, are required to institute a performance-based system to achieve their environmental goals
Handout 3 - North Carolina Green Travel Initiative Version 2
The NC GreenTravel program recognizes tourism-oriented businesses for their accomplishments in environmental stewardship, including energy and water conservation, waste reduction, recycling and other practices that help protect the environment.
Handout 4 - Recycling and Materials Management
The Recycling and Materials Management Section (RMMS) promotes recycling programs and helps expand recycling infrastructure. RMMS works closely with Waste Reduction partners (WRP) to identify and implement waste reduction and recycling efforts by commercial, institutional and industrial generators providing critical material supply to manufacturers, reducing dependence on landfills and saving natural resources.
Handout 5 - Resource and Energy Efficiency
The Waste Reduction Partners (WRP) team helps organizations (Manufacturers, Businesses, Agriculture, Local governments, K-12 schools & institutions, Non-profits) to improve environmental and energy management through efficiency techniques that save money. The WRP team conducts on-site assessments and provides consulting services to businesses and public facilities throughout North Carolina. Consulting services are confidential and most are provided at no cost to the client. These services are supported through government and utility-sponsored grants
WRP team performs the following onsite assessments
- Energy Efficiency
- Water Use Efficiency
- Soil Waste Reduction Assessments (Zero Waste)
- Agricultural Plastics Recycling
Handout 6 - NCDEQ Regional Office Presence
Environmental Assistance Coordinators are closer to our customers in the department’s seven regional offices and can provide on-site consultation and coordinated permit reviews for proposed projects. Their primary responsibility is to assist businesses, industries, local governments, other institutions, consultants and residents as they seek to identify, understand and comply with the state’s environmental requirements.
Two Fall Hazardous Waste Compliance Workshops in 2021
Registration opens September 2021
October 28, 2021
Online with the Zoom Platform
We are planning for in-person workshops in the Fall 2021 and into 2022. However, many attendees requested that we continue an online version for those who are in remote locations and distant from our regular venues. To meet demand, an additional Fall workshop will be available online.
November 4, 2021
The Speedway Club • Charlotte Motor Speedway
5555 Concord Parkway South
Concord, North Carolina 28027
The Spring Hazardous Waste Compliance Workshop is offered at four locations in May 2022
(pending pandemic)
Coastline Convention Center • Wilmington, NC
McKimmon Center • Raleigh, NC
Greensboro Coliseum Complex • Greensboro, NC
Holiday Inn - Biltmore West • Asheville, NC