NC Air Rule Revised – Check Your Permit

NC Air Rule Revised - Check Your Permit

February 15, 2021

by Joe Sullivan, Principal Project Engineer, AECOM • February 15, 2021
AECOM is an NCMA Business Partner

In October 2020, the North Carolina Division of Air Quality revised its Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) rules to align more closely with federal requirements. In short, this change no longer requires permitting and reporting for projects not qualifying as having a “reasonable possibility” of triggering PSD review.

Aside from streamlining future permits, many “PSD avoidance” tracking conditions can now be removed from current air quality permits. It may be too late to modify permits prior to this year’s February 28 deadline, but companies should review past permitting decisions and consider pursuing an administrative amendment to remove requirements that are no longer applicable to their facility.

Joe Sullivan
Phone: 919-461-1237