NCDOL Addresses Scare Tactics Used to Sell Labor Law Posters

NCDOL Addresses Scare Tactics Used to Sell Labor Law Posters

The North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL) wants NC Employers to know that letters from poster companies using scare tactics to sell labor law posters are bogus and should be ignored. Commissioner Cherie Berry wants the business community to know that labor law posters are available from NCDOL at no cost.

The labor law posters were updated in 2017 to include information pertaining to the NC Employee Fair Classification Act, so some sites may have out of date posters. NCDOL will not fine an employer for having an out-of-date poster displayed. Inspectors carry the newest posters with them and will offer them free when they visit a workplace. Fines could be imposed if an employer simply refuses to display the required poster.

If you need new posters, visit NCDOL's website at or call 1-800-NC-LABOR (1-800-625-2267)

VISIT NCDOL Website for more information.

NCDOL Press Release 
(Contact Mary Katherine Revels | January 11, 2019)