Next NCMA Committee Meetings January 25

Next NCMA Committee Meetings January 25

NCMA’s Science & Technology (S&T) Committee and NCMA’s Government Affairs Committee will meet jointly on Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018, at 1 PM.

Both committee meetings are open to any NCMA member or Business Partner who would like to attend and participate. Membership on either Committee is not required. Both committees normally meet on the third Thursday of every month. However, due to some scheduling conflicts with committee chairs, this month’s meeting has been moved to the second Thursday.

If you cannot attend the meeting in person but wish to call in, you may do so by contacting Donna Pittman at 919-834-9459.

Agenda Items include:

  • Emerging Contaminants Update
  • Member Discussion of Issues with Local Jurisdictions
  • Upcoming Training Opportunities
  • Summary of the Jan. EMC Meeting
  • Planning for Regional Legislative Receptions