OMB Sends Biden’s $1.5T Budget Plan to Congress

US President Joe Biden speaks during the weekly economic briefing in the Oval office of the White House in Washington, DC, on April 9, 2021.

Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

OMB Sends Biden's $1.5T Budget Plan to Congress

April 12, 2021

In a letter to Senate Appropriations Chair, Patrick Leahy, Acting Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young outlined President Biden's discretionary funding request for fiscal year (FY) 2022. The administration's $1.5 trillion spending plan is only one element of the Administration's broader agenda. The President plans to release a comprehensive budget that would include mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare later this Spring. Mandatory spending is outside the annual budget process that governs discretionary spending.

By comparison, the FY 2021 discretionary  budget requested by the Trump administration was $1.485 trillion. Mandatory spending in FY 2021 is estimated to be $2.966 trillion.

The plan requests increases in spending for domestic programs including education, health and the environment. The largest increases are in the Department of Education (41%) compared to FY 2021. The Environmental Protection Agency's budget would increase by 21%  covering the administration's priorities on climate change, environmental justice and critical water infrastructure. Department of Defense (DoD) would see a modest 1.6% increase and discontinue the separate funding category for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). All direct war costs and enduring operations would come out of the DoD base budget.


President's FY 2022 Discretionary Funding Request
Letter from OMB Director Shalanda Young to Sen. Patrick Leahy, Chair Committee on Appropriations • April 9, 2021

White House Press Release on Funding Request
Office of Management and Budget Releases the President's Fiscal year 2022 Discretionary Funding Request • April 9, 2021

Biden Proposes $1.5 Trillion Federal Spending Plan
by Brian Nayor and Barbara Sprunt • NPR • April 9, 2021

Biden budget Proposal Would Dramatically Shift US Spending Priorities
by Rob Garver • Voice of America • April 9, 2021

Biden's $1.5 trillion budget plan prioritizes domestic programs
by David Lerman and Jennifer Shutt • Roll Call • April 9, 2021