WQ Workshop Library 2022

Water Quality Document Library

Water Quality Compliance Workshop


2022 Water Quality Compliance Workshop Presentation Materials

Updated for the Online Workshop • February 15, 2022

8:15 AM Director's Remarks (15 min)
COVID Impacts, Inspections

Presented by Danny Smith, Director
NC Division of Water Resources

[cl-popup title="ABOUT DANNY SMITH" show_on="text" btn_label="CLICK HERE to read Danny Smith's Bio"]B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Science, N.C. State University, M.S. Natural Resources - Hydrology, N.C. State University. Mr. Smith has worked for the Department of Environmental Quality for 28 years. He started with the Division of Water Resources as an Ambient Monitor in 1992, and continued with the Division in positions including technician, specialist, program consultant, and environmental compliance supervisor. He was Supervisor for the Raleigh Regional Office of Division of Water Resources for 12 years.  Most recently, Mr. Smith served as the Director for the Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources and returned to Water Resources in February of 2021 as the Division of Water Resources’ Director.[/cl-popup]

Director's Remarks Presentation Slides

8:45 AM Water Quality Legal Update (30 min)
WOTUS Wetlands • Cooling Ponds • Coal Ash • Natural Gas Pipeline

Presented by Drew Hargrove
Office of General Cousel, NCDEQ

[cl-popup title="ABOUT DREW HARGROVE" show_on="text" btn_label="CLICK HERE to read Drew Hargrove's Bio"]Drew Hargrove is an Assistant General Counsel with N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ).  Since joining NCDEQ in 2014, he has worked on a wide range of legal matters, but works primarily with NCDEQ’s Division of Water Resources.  Drew currently serves on the Council for the N.C. Bar Association’s Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Section.  While in law school at UNC- Chapel Hill, Drew was a staff member of the North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology and a member of the law school’s Environmental Law Project.  Prior to earning his law degree, Drew worked for several years in the investment management business.[/cl-popup]

WQ Legal Update Presentation Slides

Note to Listeners: Audio dropout from 03:08 – 03:39 minutes into the presentation.

9:25 AM Environmental Justice and Industrial Permitting (30 min)

Presented by Renee Kramer

[cl-popup title="ABOUT RENEE KRAMER" show_on="text" btn_label="CLICK HERE to read Renee Kramer's Bio"]Renee Kramer graduated from the University of Delaware in 2013 with a degree in Wildlife Conservation & Agriculture and Natural Resources. Upon graduation, she worked for a private consultant with wind energy conducting wildlife impact surveys. In 2015, Kramer continued her studies at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment for Ecosystem Science and Conservation, receiving her Masters of Environmental Management and a certificate in Community-Based Environmental Management. She has been with the Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for just over four years and serves as the Title VI and Environmental Justice (EJ) Coordinator. In this role, she acts as the liaison between the EJ and Equity Advisory Board and works with communities and staff to advance the Department’s EJ programs across the state.[/cl-popup]

Environmental Justice Presentation Slides

9:55 AM Surface Water Standards (35 min)
2020-2022 Triennial Review Update and Future Topics for Consideration

Presented by Chris Ventaloro, Industrial Hygiene Consultant
Water Planning Section

[cl-popup title="ABOUT CHRIS VENTALORO" show_on="text" btn_label="CLICK HERE to read Chris Ventaloro's Bio"]Christopher “Chris” Ventaloro is a Water Quality Standards Co-coordinator in the Planning Section of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Resources. His main function in this role is to research and review EPA publications and scientific literature for the purpose of developing surface water quality criteria and to bring proposed criteria through the rulemaking process for establishment as state water quality standards. Chris brings a variety of knowledge to this role including 20 years of laboratory experience in aquatic toxicology, wet chemistry, and microbiology as well as an education in biology (B.S., Long Island University-Southampton) and GIS. When not working Chris will likely be found spilling water while doing maintenance on his aquarium, filling his garage with sawdust, torturing his wife and cats while he “plays” guitar, and being taken out for long walks by his dog, Molly. [/cl-popup]

Surface Water Standards Presentation Slides

10:30 AM EPAs PFAS Roadmap • Pretreatment and DWR EC Investigations (20 min)

Presented by Julie Grzyb, Deputy Director
NC Division of Water Resources

[cl-popup title="ABOUT JULIE GRZYB" show_on="text" btn_label="CLICK HERE to read Julie Grzyb's Bio"]Julie Grzyb (pronounced Gribb) is the Deputy Director for North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources. She has worked for DWR since 2009, first as a NPDES permit writer and later as Supervisor over the Municipal & Industrial Permitting Branch. Her focus has been on addressing emerging compounds in the Cape Fear, remediation at the Chemours facility in Fayetteville, and implementation of the state's dissolved metal standards. Prior to working at DWR, Julie was a Water Resource Manager for Virginia, DEQ and the Industrial Permitting Supervisor for Ohio EPA's southwest regional office.  Julie earned her B.S. degree from the College of Engineering at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. [/cl-popup]

PFAS Roadmap Presentation Slides

11:00 AM NPDES Updates (35 min)
Applications • Reporting • eDMRs

Presented by Michael Montebello, NPDES
Water Quality Permitting Section

[cl-popup title="ABOUT MICHAEL MONTEBELLO" show_on="text" btn_label="CLICK HERE to read Michael Montebello's Bio"]Michael Montebello is the Supervisor of the Municipal Unit in the Division of Water Resources. He has been with the State of North Carolina since April 2020. He presently addresses major municipal NPDES, pretreatment programs and Collection System permitting along with related program priorities.

Michael was the former Domestic Wastewater Section Manager in the SC Bureau of Water. He oversaw permitting for the Domestic NPDES and Non-Discharge wastewater, wastewater treatment plant design review, pretreatment program review, Industrial wastewater pretreatment system permitting, domestic sludge land application permitting, compliance and enforcement assistance; Michael was also responsible for the SC Water Quality Standards updates, NPDES regulation updates and was a “Superuser” in the development of the Bureau of Water’s ePermitting integration for the Agency. Michael retired after nearly forty years of service.[/cl-popup]

NPDES Updates Presentation Slides

11:35 AM Operator Certifications (25 min)
Wastewater • Collections Systems • Physical Chemical
Review of the Website • Classes • Exams • Regulations

Presented by Maureen Kinney
Education & Training Specialist

[cl-popup title="ABOUT MAUREEN KINNEY" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Maureen Kinney's Bio"]Maureen Kinney has been an Extension Education and Training Specialist with the Division of Water Resources’ NC Operator Certification Program (PWS) since 2015. The purpose of this program is to protect the public's investment in water pollution control facilities through the training and certification of operators.  Maureen is a U.S. Coast Guard veteran that began her career with the Division of Water Resources in 1993 in the NPDES permitting program. She also worked in support of the Division’s Water Sciences Lab and Environmental Technologies before her return to the NPDES’ expedited permit and compliance program for over 11 years.  Her cumulative experience with the Division has been an asset to her role in the NC Operator Certification Program.[/cl-popup]

Operator Certifications Presentation Slides

12:45 PM Groundwater Standards (30 min)
Overview of Rules • IMAC and 02L Rule Updates

Presented by Bridget Flaherty Shelton, GW Quality Standards Coordinator
Rules Review Branch

[cl-popup title="ABOUT BRIDGET FLAHERTY SHELTON" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Bridget Flaherty Shelton's Bio"]Bridget Shelton is the Groundwater Standards Coordinator in the Classifications, Standards, and Rules Review Branch in the Water Resources Planning Section of DWR. She is responsible for developing the groundwater standards of the state which are the maximum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health. She is also responsible for the triennial review of existing groundwater standards, making recommendations to the Environmental Management Commission, and developing interim maximum allowable concentrations (IMACs). She has been with DWR for 3 years and has a Master’s degree in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health from Duke University.[/cl-popup]

GW Standards Presentation Slides

1:15 PM Groundwater Rules (30 min)
Implementation of .02L Groundwater Rules and Re-adoption Update • Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area

Presented by

Mike Ranck, Branch Head
Groundwater Management Branch

Eric Smith, Environmental Program Consultant

[cl-popup title="ABOUT MIKE RANCK" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Mike Ranck's Bio"]Mike Ranck, PG, Groundwater Management Branch Head, Division of Water Resources

M.S. Hydrology, New Mexico Tech; B.S. Environmental Geosciences, Michigan State University.

Mr. Ranck has more than nineteen years of experience as a resource manager, project manager, and hydrogeologist with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and in environmental consulting.  He has worked all over North Carolina and the southeastern United States performing groundwater assessments, corrective action, and risk assessment activities.[/cl-popup]

[cl-popup title="ABOUT ERIC SMITH" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Eric Smith's Bio"]

Eric Smith, Environmental Program Consultant, DWR-Groundwater Resources Section

B.S. Applied Geology, Lock Haven University; M.S. Environmental and Engineering Geosciences, Radford University.  Mr. Smith has worked with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality for over 13 years.  He started out working in the Division of Water Resources – Well Construction Program.  Around 2012, he started working full time with the Division’s groundwater assessment and corrective action for the 14 coal ash facilities in North Carolina.  Prior to working for the State, Mr. Smith worked for several environmental firms as field technician.[/cl-popup]

Revised! GW Rules Presentation Slides  

1:55 PM Non-Discharge (30 min)
Types of Permits • Direct Discharge vs Non-Discharge Alternatives • Residual Permits

Presented by Lauren Raup-Plummer
Non-Discharge Branch

[cl-popup title="ABOUT LAUREN RAUP-PLUMMER" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Lauren Raup-Plummer's Bio"]Lauren Raup-Plummer, PE is the Engineer III for the Water Quality Permitting Section’s Non-Discharge Branch.  She is responsible for reviewing permit applications for Non-Discharge facilities across the state.  She has over 10 years of engineering experience and has held positions in both the public and private sectors.  Prior to joining NCDEQ in 2015, Lauren worked with GEI Consultants, Inc. and S&ME, Inc., in their Raleigh offices, working on both environmental and geotechnical projects.  Lauren holds her Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech and her Master’s in Environmental Engineering from the University of Tennessee.[/cl-popup]

Non-Discharge Presentation Slides

2:20 PM Industrial Stormwater Program Overview (55 min)
Permit Types • Laserfiche • eDMR • CROMERR Compliance

Presented by Brianna Young, MS, Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Program, DEMLR

[cl-popup title="ABOUT BRIANNA YOUNG" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Brianna Young's Bio"]Brianna Young is the Industrial Individual Permitting Coordinator for the Stormwater Permitting Group. Since joining DEQ in 2016, her professional focus was first with the Division of Water Resources working on NPDES wastewater permitting and compliance, and in August 2021 she transitioned to the Stormwater Program in the Department of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources as the Individual Industrial Permits Coordinator. Prior to joining DEQ, Brianna worked with the U.S. EPA assisting in the development of Integrated Science Assessments (ISAs) for criteria air pollutants. Brianna graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a B.S. in Environmental Science and an M.S. in Environmental Sciences and Engineering[/cl-popup]

Industrial Stormwater Presentation Slides

3:25 What to Expect During an NPDES Inspection (40 min)
The Inspection Experience

Presented by Tom Tharrington, Asst. Regional Supervisor
DWR, Wilmington Regional Office

[cl-popup title="ABOUT TOM THARRINGTON" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Tom Tharrington's Bio"]Tom Tharrington is the Assistant Regional Supervisor for the Water Quality Regional Operations Section in the Wilmington Regional Office, he has nearly 35 years of experience in the public and private sector. Prior to joining NCDEQ in 2004, Tom worked with BASF Corp, Takeda Chemical Products, Cogentrix and E.I. Dupont & DeNemours and has a diverse background that comprises technical and managerial experiences, wastewater treatment process control, groundwater monitoring and remediation, regulatory oversight and staff/operator training. Along with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and Geology, Tom maintains operator certifications for Biological Wastewater 4, Land Application of Residual Solids, Spray Irrigation, Subsurface and Physical/Chemical 1.[/cl-popup]

NPDES Inspection Presentation Slides

4:05 NPDES Compliance Reporting (35 – 40 min)
Compliance Tips and Topics • Chemical Spill Reporting

Presented by

Lon Snider, Water Quality Regional Operations
Asheville Regional Office

Landon Davidson, Water Quality Regional Operations
Winston-Salem Regional Office

[cl-popup title="ABOUT LON SNIDER" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Lon Snider's Bio"]Lon Snider is the Regional Supervisor for the Water Quality Regional Operations Section in the Winston-Salem Regional Office. Lon was born and raised in Western North Carolina and received a B.S. in Environmental Health & Science from Western Carolina University in 1999. Upon graduation, he worked all over the state in Environmental Consulting as well as Project Management for Disaster Recovery and Construction. In 2007, he began his career with NCDEQ in the Mooresville Regional Office. During his tenure with the Department, he has worked for both DEMLR and DWR. He has been the Supervisor for the Winston-Salem Regional Office since 2019.[/cl-popup]

[cl-popup title="ABOUT LANDON DAVIDSON" show_on="text" btn_label="Read Landon Davidson's Bio"]Landon Davidson is the Environmental Regional Supervisor for the Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) in the Asheville Regional Office. He has worked with DEQ for 26 years, the first four as a hydrogeologist in DWM and DWR before moving to the Asheville Office to supervise the former Groundwater Section in 2000. He continues to lead the WQROS in Asheville since the creation of that unit in 2013 overseeing the full range of WQROS regional programs. He earned his MS in Geological Sciences at the University of Tennessee during which time he worked at Oak Ridge National Lab followed by work in environmental consulting before coming to DEQ.[/cl-popup]


Revised! NPDES Compliance Reporting Presentation Slides

DISCLAIMER: All materials posted on this page are intended for use by those who attended one of the NCMA co-sponsored Online North Carolina Water Quality Compliance Workshops in February 2022. Any errors in the information found on this page cannot be used as a defense for noncompliance with water quality rules. Regulated entities are responsible for compliance regardless the information found here or interpretation of the meaning of these materials. All information is subject to change and correction prior or subsequent to user access.